Manon Lelandais, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Linguistics
Université Paris Cité, France
Department of English Studies
ALTAE Lab (Unit #3967)
Empirical Foundations of Linguistics
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Welcome !
I work in Speech Science and Linguistics.
I deal with audiovisual datasets of spontaneous conversation in American and British English (and occasionally French). I study the interplay between the verbal, vocal, and gestural resources we use when we talk, to deepen our understanding of the real-time mechanisms of speech production.
I account for specific patterns in the way prosody (via tracking of acoustic markers) and gestures involving other parts of the body (hand, head, eyebrow movement, gaze direction) can coordinate when we talk, through quantitative methodologies.
Richard, A.*, Lelandais, M.*, Reilly, K. T.**, & S. Jacquin-Courtois**. "Linguistic markers of subtle cognitive impairment in connected speech: A Systematic Review". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 67(12): 4714-4733.
In Press
Lelandais, M. "A multimodal approach to coordination in spontaneous conversation". In K. Nikiforidou and M. Fried (Eds.) Multimodal communication from a Construction Grammar perspective (pp. 154-189). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/cal.38.05lel
Richard, A. B., Foncelle, A., Hirsch, F., Jacquin-Courtois, S., Reilly, K. T. & M. Lelandais. Speech markers of Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, Netherlands: ISCA (pp. 76-80). doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-16
Lelandais, M. "Multimodal marks of iteration in discourse". Faits de langues 53(2): 41-68. https://doi.org/10.1163/19589514-53020003
Full-text (author's) version available here.
A. B. Richard, M. Lelandais, F. Hirsch, S. Jacquin-Courtois, & K. T. Reilly. "Linguistic markers of subtle cognitive impairment in connected speech: A Systematic Review protocol". https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.pex-2276/v1
Lelandais, M. & Thiberge, G. "The role of prosody and hand gestures in the perception of speech boundaries". Speech Communication 150: 41-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.specom.2023.05.001
Full-text (author's) version available here.
Lelandais, M. "Modelling the interpretative impact of subordinate constructions in spontaneous conversation". CORELA (Cognition, Representation, Language) 18(2). https://doi.org/10.4000/corela.12827
Lelandais, M. "Phénomènes de proéminence dans les subordonnées en conversation spontanée". In 6e Conférence Conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2020. Nancy, France : pp. 344-352. https://hal.science/hal-02798557v3
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. "The verbal, vocal, and gestural expression of (in)dependency in two types of subordinate constructions". Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies 2: 117-143. https://doi.org/10.18573/jcads.4
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. "Cohesive gestures in spontaneous conversation". In I. Galhano-Rodrigues, E. Zagar Galvão, and A. Cruz-Santos (Eds.) Recent Perspectives on Gesture and Multimodality (pp. 8-18). Newcastle, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1-5275-3536-7
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. "Perception of prosodic boundaries by naïve listeners in three different types of syntactic subordinate constructions". In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2018. Poznan, Poland : ISCA. https://dx.doi.org/10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-21
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. "How are three syntactic types of subordinate clauses different in terms of informational weight? A Multimodal Discourse Analysis perspective". Anglophonia 23 [online]. https://doi.org/10.4000/anglophonia.1200
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. "What do gestures in subordination tell us about (in)dependence?" Journal of Communications Studies 4(1-2) : 43-49. http://jmcs.home.amu.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/JMCS_2017_GESPIN.pdf
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. "Prosodic boundaries in subordinate syntactic constructions". In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016. Boston, USA : ISCA. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2016-38
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. "Multimodal analysis of parentheticals in conversational speech". Multimodal Communication 3(2) : 197-217. https://doi.org/10.1515/mc-2014-0008

Richard, A. B., Foncelle, A., Hirsch, F., Jacquin-Courtois, S., Reilly, K. T. & M. Lelandais. 2024. "Speech Markers of Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study". Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, Netherlands. doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-16
Alkhateeb, D. & Lelandais, M. 2024. "Multimodal strategies for delivering irony in political speech". AFLiCo 2024. Lyon, France.
Alkhateeb, D. & Lelandais, M. 2023. "Gestural strategies in questions during monologic discourse". SLE 2023 (Societas Linguistica Europaea). Athens, Greece.
Lelandais, M. 2023. "Vocal and visual boundaries in speech: insights from spontaneous conversation". Online seminar of the Oxford International Multimodal Communication Centre.
Lelandais, M. 2022. "Embodied coordination: pushing the boundaries of grammar". Advances in Constructional Multimodal Research, CALC-2 (2nd Meeting of the Czech Association for Language and Cognition). Charles University, Prague. Invited talk.
Lelandais, M. 2022. "Gestural correlates to the OVER AND OVER expression". ISGS 2022 (the 9th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies), Chicago, USA.
Tabacaru, S. & Lelandais, M. 2022. "Is it President Obama's fault? [...] Is it President Obama's fault? Gesture and emphasis in the US presidential debates of 2016". ISGS 2022, Chicago, USA.
Lelandais, M. 2021. "A multimodal approach to syntactic coordination in spontaneous conversation". SLE 2021 (Societas Linguistica Europaea). Athens, Greece.
Lelandais, M. 2020. "L'apport des données multimodales de conversation spontanée à l'analyse de la subordination". PAC Program Seminar (Phonology of Contemporary English). Université Paris Nanterre, Paris, France. Invited talk.
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. 2019. "A parametric multimodal approach to subordination in conversation". ICLC 2019 (the 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference). Nishinomiya, Japan.
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. 2018. "The prosodic realisation of subordinate constructions: peaks or troughs?" Workshop on Prosody and Meaning: Information Structure and Beyond. Aix-en-Provence, France.
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. 2018. "The role of gestures in the perception of boundaries in speech". ISGS 2018. Cape Town, South Africa.
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. 2017. "Subordinate clauses and background information".IPrA 2017 (the 15th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association). Belfast, UK.
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. 2017. "The multimodal expression of subordination in spontaneous conversation". ICMC 2017 (International Conference on Multimodal Communication). Osnäbrueck, Germany.
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. 2017. "Cohesive gestures in spontaneous conversation". IGesto '17 (International Conference on Gesture and Multimodality). Porto, Portugal.
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. 2016. "The prosodic realisation of subordinate constructions: autonomy or dependence?" Aix Summer School on Prosody 2016. Aix-en-Provence, France.
Lelandais, M. & Ferré, G. 2016. "Prosodic boundaries in subordinate constructions". Speech Prosody 2016. Boston, USA.
Local talks not included. Click here for the full list of talks and seminars given in France.
Examples of M.A. theses I've supervised
"Do we gesture when we pause?" 1st year MA thesis, Linguistics, Paris Graduate School of Linguistics.
"How do gestures contribute to the expression of irony in political speech?" 2nd year MA thesis, Linguistics, Paris Graduate School of Linguistics.
"Verbal and non-verbal components of sarcasm: a corpus-based study". 1st year MA thesis, Linguistics, Paris Graduate School of Linguistics.
"Multimodal analysis of irony in political discourse". 1st year MA thesis, Linguistics, Paris Graduate School of Linguistics.
Associate Professor
Department of English Studies
Université Paris Cité
Grammar and linguistics: B.A.
Syntax: B.A.
Corpus Linguistics: M.A.
Translation: insight from linguistics : B.A.
Lecturer / Instructor
Department of English Studies
Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
English Phonetics and Phonology : B.A. (Year 1, 2, 3).
Grammar and Linguistics : B.A. (Year 1, 2, 3)
Research methodology
PhD candidate & TA
Department of English studies
Université de Nantes
Phonetics : B.A. 1st year
Grammar: B.A. 1st year


Ad hoc reviewer
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
Program Committee
Speech Prosody; Interspeech; ICCG